The UOAH - The Universal Organization for the Advancement of Humanity ( )

Thank you for even getting this far. If you like what the UOAH is about and what it's trying to do, I'm already grateful.

However, The UOAH is not currently accepting donations at this time.

As mentioned in the About Page , the UOAH is a one man organization trying to improve the world around us. The UOAH is NOT a 501(c). The UOAH is a private humanitarian organization. I currently take no income from the UOAH.

Donations Received

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Date Donor Amount(US$) Organizations of Interest
2011-09-12anonymous 100.00 American Lung Association, American Cancer Society
????-??-??Maybe You? in Honor of Someone? 3.50? Law Enforcement Action Partnership, Direct Relief Intl., Khan Academy
????-??-??In Honor of One Laptop Per Child? 15.00? One Laptop Per Child, Pratham, Donors Choose
????-??-??Maybe You? or Your Organization? 50.00? Rootstrikers, PATH

Donations Gifted

As the UOAH grows, polls will be held through Facebook and Reddit to pass donations along to various causes as chosen by your feedback.

Click Column Heading to Sort

Date Amount(US$) Beneficiary Organization
????-??-?? ???.?? Doctors Without Borders
????-??-?? ???.?? Electronic Frontier Foundation
????-??-?? ???.?? ReSurge International